“Allegiant” not up to par with the previous films in the series

Allegiant movie poster


“Allegiant” movie poster

Emily Simons, Staff Reporter

“Allegiant” is the third movie in a series based on the books by Veronica Roth. The first two movies were fairly popular, and rightfully so, but I feel that “Allegiant” is a sub-par movie.

While the casting was still as whitewashed as the first two movies, the actors did a good job in the roles.

Shailene Woodley, who portrayed the main character “Tris”, was one of the weaker acting jobs. Personally, I think that she has been cast in too many similar roles in the past few years, which blurs the character lines and numbs her presence on the screen.

The dynamic character relationships that were found in the first two movies (“Divergent” and “Insurgent”) were also a lot more circular and bland. For example, the tight relationship between Tris and Four, played by Theo James, seemed almost forced into the plot, when it really should have been centered highlighted.

Another thing was that the movie developed very slowly in the beginning and was rushed at the end, this was apparent, as the actual “fighting” that took place at the end of the movie was very short and lacked emphasis.

The visual and sound effects was pretty good and helped to create a vibe of futuristic technological advancements. For example, the visual of red fog filling up rooms and courtyards was very realistic.

I would definitely say that this movie did not live up to expectations after “Divergent” and “Insurgent”. I would not recommend watching this movie unless you like watching cliché post-apocalyptic love stories.