Tracy Baseball Starts Conditioning and Practice

Matthew Canada

Tracy High baseball started conditioning on Monday February 8th at 3:30 p.m. for all levels which is varsity, junior- varsity, and freshman. Conditioning is only 3 days going from February 8 to February 10, and the next week starting February 16 is regular field practice and hitting.

All levels have been practicing together practicing taking infield, outfield, catching, and pitching, then each level will take turns hitting.

The CIF rules require players and coaches to wear masks and practice social- distancing at conditioning and practices.

The San Joaquin County right now is still in purple tier and the CIF only allows high school baseball to start once the county is in red tier. Also, games have not been scheduled and the season is supposed to start March 1st where games are given permission to begin and all games will stop no later than April 17th. The section playoffs will be cancelled this year and will only be scheduled regular season games.

Isaiah Vasquez, a player on the Tracy High baseball team mentions the excitement about the season beginning in March.

“I’m pretty excited to play baseball this season, even though the season seemed to be so sudden I hope we can make the most of it.” said Vasquez.

Other players were excited to see their teammates again on the field with almost a year off since the last time a game was played.

Most are happy that baseball is returning even though the season will only last for about a month.

Clay Delong another player on Tracy High talks about the feeling of returning on the field.

“I’m glad baseball is back, and I can see everyone again and look forward towards the season and have fun,” said Delong.

Right now, Tracy is getting ready for the baseball season, but the wait is on for games to be scheduled so they can start the season. Other sports like track and golf have also begun conditioning and practice as well even starting to begin their seasons.