Small Town, Big Dreams

Photo Credit: Stu Jossey

Isaiah Vasquez, Op/Ed Editor

With his senior season coming to an end, Tracy High School football star Dwayne Thomas looks to
extend his playing career. He hopes to make his way onto a college team before fulfilling his life-long dream of playing in the NFL.

“I’m ready for the journey ahead of me and I’m ready to put in my heart and soul to get where I want to be with whatever it takes,” Thomas said.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Thomas has really been stepping up his game without any outside distractions due to the lockdown. According to Thomas, Shelter in place had been a blessing in disguise because he was able to have his full focus on football.

While Thomas has always been an outstanding athlete, this year has been special.

Thomas has achieved multiple career accomplishments, including making the news and being a Top 20 Max Preps athlete. Thomas plans on continuing to mold his craft on the college level where he expects to play wide receiver and cornerback.

“Currently I don’t have many colleges with their eyes on me, but as my senior year closes, I hope that’ll change,” Thomas continued. “I’m very eager to play football at a college level, even if it’s at a private school or a junior college.”

While Thomas may not have a lot of exposure, when talking to his teammates it appears his work
ethic and natural leadership alone might help him succeed at a college level.

Photo Credit: Stu Jossey

“I think he’s a great teammate, always puts the team over himself,” teammate Austin Ho-Sy said. “He’s a great guy that will always be there for you and is a straight dog on the field.”

According to other teammates, it is clear his mindset, personality and character make him special both on and off the football field.

“Dwayne has a lot of talent and is a teammate you can rely on, not only that but off the field he’s a good person to everyone and a great guy in general,” senior defensive back Khalil Walls explained.

Thomas has proven he’s well-liked and appreciated around campus. So much so, he was named 2021 Homecoming King at Tracy High School. According to senior linebacker Evan Ramirez, this type of positive attitude makes him different than most.

“Dwayne is the type of player that pushes you to be better every day and no matter what it looks like on the field you know that he’ll have your back through it all,” Ramirez said.

While Thomas’ lifelong dream of being an NFL player won’t be easy, he said he’s committed to the work it’ll take to achieve his dream.

“This dream of the NFL is bigger than me. I do this for my family, my city and so one day my parents may retire,” Thomas said.

All eyes will be focused on Thomas as the last few weeks of his high school football career finishes.