Back to Dancing

Jordan Rezab, Reporter

As the first home football game of the school year came to an end, students gathered in the cafeteria for the Back-to-School Dance, the first of the school year.

Fog machines and lights lit up the room as students let loose on the dance floor. By 9 p.m., the dance was filled with Tracy High students ranging from freshman to seniors all having a blast. For seniors, this was their last first dance in high school, however for the freshman, this was their first ever Tracy High dance experience.

Music was provided by DJ Derek, a school favorite to have for these activities.

“I felt like we had more space this year,” Zoe Mears, a senior at Tracy High, said.

Leadership opened the cafeteria space, allowing for more room to dance the night away. Students enjoyed being able to breathe in between singing and dancing.


“Some songs got repeated which sucked but the lights were cool,” Allen Lamothe, a sophomore at Tracy High, explained.

Lamothe was seated on the sidelines, able to take in what everyone was doing on the dance floor and conversing with close friends and plans on attending more events like these in the future.

“Bittersweet” was all Amanda Beteta, a senior, could say about how she felt. As this school year moves on, seniors are taking in more of these high school experiences and realizing how fast time moves.

“It’s finally hitting me that I’m a senior,” Beteta said.

As the night came to an end around 11:30 p.m., students flooded out of the cafeteria with their friends and classmates. Although the floor was empty, the energy could still be felt in the room.