This year, Tracy High’s Drama Club is preparing many things for the school year. With their approximate 20 members, they have participated in the night rally and homecoming. They are also planning a play further into the school year.
Riley Matz, a junior and the president of the club, has been through multiple trainings for acting and is now on her second year of theatre.
Other people in charge of the drama club are Vice President Theo Masters, Secretary Josephine Bartholdi, Treasurer Kylah Renehan, Historian Isabella Mendez and Publicist Mailah Castro. These students all make up the board of the 2023-2024 Tracy High School Drama Club.
Every so often, members of the drama club meet up after school in B building to discuss future plans for the club.
Each club member is assigned a different job, so everyone gets a chance to be involved. These jobs will be useful for the upcoming play.
Alice in Wonderland will be put on by the club sometime in November. Online auditions were held for job placements including actors and actresses, a director, a makeup artist, a costume designer and etc.
Kylah Renehan took the opportunity to design club t-shirts and hoodies for the members to represent. Although one person designed it, the club got to vote on the idea and give their individual opinions as well.
“The hoodies and shirts are to let people know we are part of the Drama Club,” said Renehan.
The Drama Club’s performance in the night rally had unfortunately been cancelled. However, the club still had plans for the homecoming parade on Sept. 29, 2023.
Even though they did not have an actual float or car due to personal issues, the club still had fun representing their club.
This is still the beginning for the drama club, but they still have the rest of the school year to continue to grow. They plan on doing this by being a part of big school events and attracting more people to be up to date on their club and even join in the next school year.