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Tracy Art Show

Tracy High School (THS) recently hosted its annual art show, showcasing the talents of its dedicated art students. The event was held in the schools theatre allowing classes, students and parents to walk in and view the artwork. Throughout the event, an amazing sense of enthusiasm and pride filled the atmosphere, highlighting the remarkable creativity nurtured within the school community. 

Catherine Smutny, one of Tracy High’s talented art teachers, expressed her delight in this year’s showcase. Reflecting on her students’ achievements through their work.

“They get to pick what they want to make, but there’s some things they have to include depending on what they’re learning about,” Smutny emphasized.

Cornish Bowden, another dedicated art instructor, shared her joy in witnessing her students explore the art of clay for the first time.

“It makes me feel good about what I’m doing because sometimes you could get a little discouraged. But when you see all the work up on the wall, it’s nice to see the validation that kids are getting something out of the course,” Bowden remarked, highlighting how much art can mean to both students and teachers. 

“I thought the art show was gorgeous and it is so cool being able to see my friend’s creations up there,” Kyrrah Dowell, a junior at THS, expressed.

The introduction of clay as a medium for artistic exploration added a new dimension to this year’s showcase, further diversifying the range of artworks on display. From intricate ceramic sculptures to vibrant paintings, each piece showcased the unique talents and creativity of Tracy High’s student body. 

Feedback from within and beyond the school community reaffirmed the event’s success, underscoring the importance of artistic expression in educational settings. As Tracy High looks forward to future art shows, the students getting better and more excited shows how much creativity matter in the school’s theater. 

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About the Contributor
Kaitlyn Terry
Kaitlyn Terry, Copy Editor
Kaitlyn Terry is a 16-year-old junior at Tracy High School. She has lived in Tracy her whole life and is the youngest child in her family of six. Her family consists of her mom, dad, and her three older brothers. Her three older brothers Jacob, Brendan and Aidan all attended Tracy High before going in different directions for college. This is Terry’s first year in journalism. She is looking forward to strengthening her writing and communication skills. Terry enjoys being involved in school and in extracurricular activities. Terry is involved in the AG/Sci program as well as a couple IB classes. She is on the varsity cheer team as well as the varsity flag football team this year. Terry has been cheering for eight years and she wishes to pursue this passion in college. Her favorite part of high school is cheering at the football games on Friday night.  

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