The Tracy High boys golf team played at Turlock Country Club in the Yellowjacket invitational, on Mon. Mar. 3.
The team took second place shooting a 308 in total. Individually, the team’s captain, Jacobus Brakkee, took first place overall shooting a 70.
Owen Moore shot 75, followed by Hayden Thein with a 78. After that was Brandon Keith with an 85 and finally Thomas Moore scored 86.
Coach Marc Wescott shared his thoughts after the course.
“I thought the team played really well in the tournament, especially against some good schools,” Wescott said. “We will continue to work hard and improve on the team’s physical and mental game to ensure that we can play even better in the future.”
Brakkee reflected on his game in a very positive way, sharing that he was very proud of the outcome of his round. He stated that he prepared for it by practicing and working on the weakest part of his game to secure a great round.
Owen Moore explained that he wasn’t playing the best at the start but never lost confidence and was able to recover by the end of the front nine.
Thein reviewed his round and explained that he thought he played well and he realized what he needs to do now to improve for further matches and tournaments.
“I prepared for the tournament by going out to the course and playing a round the day before to get more practice,” Thein explained.
Keith reflected on his round negatively, as he explained that he understands that he could have done better in many aspects of his game but knows what he needs to work on and said that he will practice improving himself both physically and mentally.
“I went into the round with a lot of excitement but also with the thought of a previous score fresh in my mind which messed with my mental game,” Keith shared.
Thomas Moore also reflected on his round by stating that he started off playing poorly but as the round went on, he was starting to get a feel for the course and his game.
“I started to play a lot better once I started the back nine but overall, I’m not disappointed in my round, it was a tough course, and I played the best I could have.” Moore said.
All in all, the competition showcased exceptional skills and performances from all athletes involved and was a very successful tournament for the bulldogs.