Q + A: Science teacher Erin McKay
Erin McKay observing students during a lab
December 13, 2013
Erin McKay has been working at Tracy High for 12 years, she is a science teacher and she also takes part in extra activities like Waksman Student Scholars Program (WSSP), Biotechnology, and Science Olympiad. She enjoys her downtime and a fun fact, she has over 800 hours of paid sick leave. McKay is dedicated to the WSSP genetic research program that will give students an option for learning about bioinformatics and about lab science in college.
What is your idea of a perfect day? “To sleep for eight hours, read a book, and not have to do any work.”
What do you love most about your job? “I love working with the students because I love their interest.”
Do you have any hobbies? “I like to read. I’m a sucker for mysteries, and I listen to podcasts, not a big fan of music.”
What is the most difficult part of your job? “The most difficult part would be grading work because it takes forever.”
If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be? “I would have been a scientist in plant pathology or microbiology.”
What are your current goals? “To figure out the standards and teach the students the standards using the new curriculum.”
What will your students learn this year? “They will learn the biology curriculum and biotech students will learn to use the professional lab equipment.”
What is your favorite movie? “I like a lot movies so I can’t choose one specifically, but for genre, I like classics.”
What do usually listen to? “I like podcasts, learning what goes around the world is important, some of the podcasts I listen to are ‘Radio Lab’, ‘Wait, wait, don’t tell me’, and ‘Mop’.”
What are you looking forward to in the near future? “I can’t wait to see my family again, during the holidays. I’ll get to see my nieces and nephews”