Q + A: History teacher Colette Crowley

Mrs. Crowley helps a confused student.

Clayton Walker

Mrs. Crowley helps a confused student.

Clayton Walker, Staff Location

History teacher Colette Cavanna-Crowley has been teaching at Tracy High School for 18 years. She enjoys interacting with her students and wants to give them the same appreciation for history that she had in high school.

Have you always had a love for history? “Not always, but my freshman year of high school it really started to make sense to me, and then it really grew on me. History was my favorite class.”

Who is your favorite president? “Honestly, Abraham Lincoln. I love the fact that he stood up against the moral evil that slavery was. That took guts.”

What are your hobbies? “I am a very outdoors person, so I love to go camping or hiking. In fact, I’m the adviser of the hiking club. In December we hiked at Pleasanton Ridge.”

Did you do anything special over Christmas break? “I went ice skating with my family.”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? “I would want to fly. Then I could fly around and see the world.

What is your favorite food? “Pasta, because I am Italian, so it was a dish that I grew up eating.”

What is your favorite fast food restaurant? “In-N-Out, and I think they are mainly in California.”

What was your first job? “I was a hostess at a Chinese restaurant called YinYin back in 1987.”

What was your favorite music in high school? “Madonna for sure, but I also used to listen to a lot of rap. MC Hammer was cool.”

What is your favorite music now? “I have a very vast taste for music. I love Pink Floyd, Katy Perry, Metallica, Adele, Linkin Park, Rhianna, and Def Leppard.

What do you want your students to get out of your class? “I want my students to have an appreciation for history, and I don’t want them to feel lost or confused with this subject.”

Do you have a family? “Yes, I’ve been married going on 17 years. I have a son who is 13, and a daughter who is 11. They are going to go to Tracy High.”

What is your favorite thing to do with your family? “We have a trailer, so we always go camping whenever we have the opportunity. “