The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug released December 13, 2013

Bilbo Baggins risks his life to save the future of the Middle Earth.

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Bilbo Baggins risks his life to save the future of the Middle Earth.

Taylor Mellick, Staff Reporter

“The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug” was an adventure for the young hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. He fought off man-eating spiders, met evil elves and snuck into the Lonely Mountains to steal a precious gem. You follow Bilbo on a journey of courage as he tries to save the world from the dragon, Smaug.

In this movie, the producers cleverly snuck in hints linking this movie with the older Lord of the Rings trilogy. Things like introducing Legolas, Gimli’s father and Legolas’ father. These things made the movie just that much more interesting to me.

I really liked was a scene when the dwarfs and Bilbo were walking through a forest, and suddenly giant, man-eating spiders came out and captured the dwarfs. They were taken back to the nest and hung in cocoons. The exciting part was when the little Hobbit fought back against the big spiders and saved his friends from being lunch.

The way Jackson and his crew animated the dragon who took over The Lonely Mountains was just incredible. He looked like he was really in the room with Bilbo and the dwarfs. Not only did the dragon look real, but the actors acting like the dragon was real was just incredible. You really were under the impression they were scared, and running from a huge dragon who was trying to burn them to a crisp.

The cliffhanger at the end of the movie was definitely a big one, it leaves you wanting more. Given that is the thing the producers want, it will drag you back when the third of three movies comes out.

The third of three movies is called “There and back again” and comes out December 7th, 2014. I think the third movie will be the more action packed, involving lots of wars and a huge dragon fight. In the end Bilbo must get back to the shire somehow and it will be interesting how the makers of the movie incorporate that into the end of the film.

Taylor Mellick, junior
Taylor Mellick, junior