This is my high school career: Katie Vogt
Katie Vogt, senior
May 8, 2014
High school can be a phenomenal time for some and a horrid time for others. My high school experience was more in-between, and I can’t complain.
I started my freshman year off knowing very few people. I was incredibly shy, and I didn’t talk that much. At first, it was a lot to take in. The huge campus, tons of people, my own schedule to follow; it was very scary. I was nervous I’d get lost or that upperclassmen would pick on me.
None of that ever happened. My freshman turned out to be one of the better years of high school. I met a ton of friendly people and became less shy.
I did a sport I knew nothing about: diving. I loved it, and I made a bunch of good friends on my team. I wasn’t the best diver, but I had a great time doing it.
My freshman year flew by, and before I knew it I was a sophomore. It felt so good to finally not be a freshman. I got much more involved in school activities my sophomore year and I made some amazing friends.
I have always been very shy, so it’s been hard to meet people. Here, I felt I was really able to be myself and get along with people more like me.
When diving season came around, I was diving every day of the week for two hours. I really began to excel in diving, finally, getting victories in meets.
As the season ended, we had our diving banquet. I didn’t realize how much I accomplished until this day. I made it to All-American, earned Scholar Athlete, my block T, and a trophy for the most improved.
I finally felt like I had succeeded, and was very proud of myself. Diving really helped me realize that there was a whole lot I could accomplish if I just gave my all.
The end of sophomore year was a hard time for me when all of my friends were graduating, and I knew I wouldn’t see them as much. I was saddened because they wouldn’t be there for the rest of my high school experience.
I was a junior before I knew it. This year was a very important year to have successful grades, especially since my classes were tougher. I didn’t know that many people, so I felt a bit lonely again. All of my friends were already in college, and my self-esteem lowered a bit.
Mid junior year, I got my first job at Pacific Sunwear. It was definitely unexpected, and was incredibly nervous. There was a lot I could do wrong, and I did not want to lose my job over one mistake I could have prevented.
I was so shy, I was afraid to greet customers. I was hesitant on doing so, but then I greeted my first customer. This seems small, but it was really life changing for me. I completely broke out of my shell.
I was confident, finally. I made so many new friends, and got along with customers very well. I absolutely loved my job.
Unfortunately, my job wouldn’t last long since Pacsun was closing. I worked there for three months before it went out of business.
By the end of my junior, I had no job. I felt like a slob, and I knew I needed to change something.
Over the summer, I was hired at Chilaberries. Not necessarily my favorite job, but it still helped with my confidence, and I felt successful.
It’s a good feeling to make your own money and to buy your own things. I was much more independent.
In my senior year, I got into the work experience program. This meant I only had four classes, then afterwards I go to work. I absolutely loved this program. I got more hours, more money, and more experience. I learned so much more about getting along with customers and figuring out how to handle problems.
I didn’t have a phenomenal high school experience, but I did learn a lot about being myself. I wouldn’t be who I am today without my experiences throughout high school.