Boys’ soccer finishes second in league; loses in second round of playoffs
November 16, 2015
Tracy High varsity boys’ soccer season ended with a loss to Rocklin, 3-1, in the second round of the section playoffs on Nov. 5.
“My team gave everything they had, and I’m happy to say that they played well,” Coach Phil Kalis said.
Coach Kalis was proud of the varsity boys’ soccer team for making it to the second round of the playoffs, having a better performance than last season.
“Our weaknesses was that Todd Hoffman broke his leg the first game of the season, Lorenzo Gonzalez has a persistent concussion, and Israel Oliveres hurt his knee halfway into the playoff game,” Kalis said.
Since Hoffman’s leg injury, there were other players that stepped up to play Hoffman’s position.
“Other guys stepped up and played Hoffman’s position very well, but we definitely missed having Hoffman’s size, strength, and leadership,” Kalis said.
Jonathan Marin, captain, believes that the team played very well and continued to play hard all the way through the games.
“ ,” Marin said.
As a captain of a team they usually carry a huge responsibility as well as a big role. As a captain you must make sure your prepared and a good motivation for the team.
“What I liked about being captain two years in a row was the feeling that my teammates see me as a leader,” Marin said.
Being captain doesn’t just require skills, but it also requires, strength, motivation, patients, and improving as a captain mentally and physically to help improve the team.
“I did basic soccer skills, communicating on the field, passing, and shooting, just training on that,” Peterson said.
Hoffman, another captain, broke his leg the first game of the season and is still not fully recovered.
“I’m doing well, kind of wish I would have got back on time to play for the playoffs,” Hoffman said.
As for Hoffman he would have loved to continue the next section of playoffs, because Hoffman as well as Peterson and Marin believed that they played very well this season.
“I thought we did really well, but we didn’t come out as strong enough in the second game of playoffs, basically not being as hyped up like we were for the first game,” Hoffman said.