Tracy High Varsity Cheer Brings Something New To The Field
Varsity cheer and dance wait on the sidelines for Tracy to score another touchdown
September 26, 2018
As football season begins and varsity cheer hits the sidelines, a long summers hard work starts to pay off. Every summer both varsity and junior varsity teams attend UCA (Universal Cheerleaders Association) cheer camp in southern California. After a week of preparing for final evaluations, Tracy High cheer came out on top coming home with first place overall. As the summer comes to an end and the sun sets behind the bleachers, Friday night lights become the highlight of the season.
After taking a season off, senior Lexie Van Os is excited to help bring something new to the field this season. “We just started working on our homecoming routine, and we are working on a new pyramid so it will be really cool for our homecoming rally,” said Van Os.
“There is a lot of new tumbling and talent,” said Ava Cavallaro. As homecoming comes quickly Cavallero can not wait to combined both JV and Varsity teams to create a “talent filled” routine.
Both Van Os and Cavallaro are excited to present the crowd with new stunts and tumbling brought to the team this season. Tracy High Varsity cheer shows how a long summers hard work has defiantly paid off!

Senior Ava Cavallero watches the football game closely for the next play.

Senior Lexie Van Os keeps a smile on her face throughout the whole game.

Varsity cheer ends the game with Tracy Highs Alma Matter