‘Tis the Season for Christmas Music

November 11, 2018
This holiday season has not truly started until Christmas music is being played everywhere you go. The frenzy of the holiday season kicks off the day Thanksgiving is over and decorations and Christmas music flurries into the lives of many this time of year.
Students were asked about what they like about Christmas music. Junior, Lauren Andrade said, “I like it because it is festive and it talks about Santa coming to town.”
Andrade said her favorite Christmas song is “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause” performed by Jackson 5.
Sydney Lanning, Junior, said she likes Christmas music because “Everyone is happy when they sing it and how my family sings it together.”
Lanning said, ” ‘Sleigh Ride’ is my favorite song because my sisters are so cute when they sing it with me.”
Dane Hurst said, “I don’t have a favorite Christmas song because there are so many good ones to choose from.”
Jeffrey Alexandre, an Advanced World History teacher, said, “I am not real fond of it [Christmas music], but my favorite song is ‘White Christmas’ by Bing Crosby.
I like it because Christmas music tries to instill joy and happiness and cheer.”
When asked about one thing he would change about Christmas music, Alexandre said, “I would change the amount of emphasis put on Santa Clause and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and write more songs about the forgotten hero: Yukon Cornelius.”
Christmas music instills joy and happiness to whoever listens to it. It is a part of the holiday season that cannot be ignored. What is your favorite Christmas song? Have a happy holiday from the THS Journalism class to you!