Boys Soccer Begins
December 14, 2018
The boys soccer team is off to a great start this season. Some players on the varsity team shared thoughts on the team and how they are improving their fundamentals.
“The team is pretty decent this year though we lost our first game,” said Estevan Murillo.
The team has played in 8 games and has a 5-3 record as of publishing date. In the first two, they lost to Patterson, butut came back and beat Kimball High.
“We lost our first game but we won our last 2 games so we’re doing alright,” said Murillo.
Murillo is a midfielder on the varsity soccer team . Another player on the varsity team John Yanez, a center back.
“Our squad is pretty decent this year, we just have to adapt to new players. Also our coaching is really good, we work hard at practice and we hustle hard to improve,” said Yanez.
The Tracy High Soccer team is starting this season working together as team and are improving as a whole. Players also said they are really excited for the rest of the season.
The team next plays at home against Castro Valley on Dec. 29 at noon.