Welcome to the Tracy High Scholar and Athlete!

Camilla Wiench, Staff Reporter

The Scholar and Athlete is a student run online newspaper for Tracy High School. This news outlet is run by the Journalism class at Tracy High School and  focuses on different events and highlights at our school.

This class gives students a unique opportunity to have an outlet and take part in a part in the school. Students are given the freedom to find stories they would like to write about and express different ideas and highlight different students and teachers at the school.

This year, Journalism has undergone a big change as Gary Henderson is the new teacher and head editor. Previously, the class was run by Bond Cashmere and was printed on a physical newspaper quarterly. The papers are no longer printed as to save paper waste and currently stories are published once a month but can range as quality is a priority.

The stories tackle many things, such as the parking issues at the school, college admissions, sports, and much more. Readers get the chance to be more informed on the events going on at the school and new opportunities. We split the paper into different categories such as, features, news, opinions, and sports. A large focus this year is to be as diverse as possible in the topics written.

Henderson, the teacher of Journalism believes that what makes a school newspaper good is tackling a wide variety of topics. As the Athletic Director at school, he didn’t want to only focus on sports and athletes. He plans to develop the class throughout the upcoming years and to be more tech savvy.

A larger focus on connecting with students and encouraging engagement through social media is also planned. As the class is in its first year under new leadership and format, it’s still in its early trial stages.

We hope you continue to read the school newspaper and share it with friends and family. The school news is a valuable part of Tracy High and has been passed down through the different classes throughout the years. Journalism is offered as an elective and trains students how to work with people, write stories, and interview. This is a  a great opportunity to work in a different environment and be more connected with the community at school.

On the top bar of the website, all of our social media links are posted and share the new articles posted. Like, share and retweet!