Tracy High students prepare for finals

Samara Guillen, staff reporter

Studying can be very stressful, but if students manage their time, studying will be much easier. There are a few main techniques that can help prepare students for taking final exams.

“I study with other people, use Quizlet get help from teachers and classmates.”

— Sam Glover

Glover said using Quizlet can help because there are a variety of things that students can do on it. She said it’s also useful because it’s an application so students don’t need a computer, they can use their phone. Students can take practice tests in preparation for the real test. There are also flashcards, which can help when students feel they can’t write everything out.

Repetition is the key to memorizing because if students see something over and over again they’re eventually going to remember.

“Read and answer the study guides, that the teachers give you or make your own,” Nabeel Razi, sophomore, said.

Razi thinks procrastination can’t help, so he suggests students start preparing. If students try to cram everything in one day, it’s just putting more pressure on them and students won’t remember anything.

“Finals can be very nerve wrecking, but you just have to study a little bit every day,” junior Ella Turner said.

Turner said that if students think the class is really hard, try going after class for some extra help. Find a student with an A in that class and figure out what they’re doing. She said that students want to feel good when knowing the answers and not want to regret not studying or being prepared.

“Relating studying to something you like can make it easier and helpful,” Sophomore Enrique Alvarez Gonzalez.

Gonzalez said if you’re into music, try making vocab words into a song, so it can be easier to remember. Even trying the simplest things can help. He said students can also work in a group and try testing each other.