April Fools


 April Fools day is an annual celebration commemorated on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The enactments themselves are called “April fools”  which is usually used to expose the ordeal as a prank by shouting it.

For several century’s different cultures began the amusing prank and began the development of what we have made it into today. News corporations, cities, sports teams, and many other large frame figures have given into the fun contributing “April Fools” to the community.

Commonly used sites such as YouTube, Google, Hulu, and many more have used their sites to produce some of the largest April fools pranks ever.

Britain even managed to pull an April fools prank on their community stating they would “update” Big Ben going into digital times. Shortly after, the news released an apology with the truth of their efforts after the overall consensus of the community was not a happy one even after receiving the truth of it all.

Today, April fools consist of well thought out, well-prepared pranks. As time goes on the initiative to top the years prior raises and more complex pranks are performed. Although you tend to see big pranks being performed there is always similar small pranks which never lose their humor such as tieing someone’s shoelaces together, replacing the filling of donuts with something unexpected, etc…

A school is first a place for learning and with its many rules pulling pranks may be difficult. School is a great place to find those you wish to pull pranks on as their location can almost perfectly be preconceived. Tradition is tradition no matter where you might find yourself but taking precaution is necessary if you so choose to participate at school to prevent disciplinary actions.