Teachers that Teach us: An in-depth look at Tracy High’s Veteran Teachers

Diego Granados, Student Reporter

Throughout the years, Tracy high has had Teachers that make students’ experiences more enjoyable. Its what they love doing. These dedicated teachers that have been teaching for 15 or more years each have their own unique backstory, purposes, favorite moments, and passion for teaching our generation.

Mr. Alexandre has been teaching at Tracy high for 20 years. He attended Ohlone College and got the inspiration to teach from his college professor.

“I have been at THS 20 years.   I was inspired by my anatomy and physiology instructor at Ohlone College.  Until the moment that he, Mr. Halland, asked me if I had considered teaching, I never thought about it. He had a way of interacting with his students that I thought was fantastic and then I started to think, “hey, that is something that I would like to do.”  From the point on, teaching was the focus.”

Mr. Alexandre also shares his most memorable experiences with students that he has had. These are a staple to his teaching career.

“There are two that stand out.  First, inspiring a former student to pursue becoming an educator and is now one of my colleagues.  Second, simply establishing positive relationships with my students.  I found that by establishing positive rapport with students, it inspires them to work a little bit harder,” said Alexandre.

In the future after he retires from teaching, Mr. Alexandre has some plans to live outside the United States.

“I am working on getting my Portuguese citizenship and I am hoping to live part of the year there.  This could be a regular thing or I may choose another location and spend up to 3 months per year living abroad.  I particularly like the cultural experiences that travel provides,” said Alexandre.

Mr. Alexandre brings entertainment to his classroom for the students to have a memorable experience.


Veteran teacher Mrs. De’Ette Burton has taught for 26 years. 3 at West.

“I got my inspiration to teach because I like to help people, I used to be a math tutor throughout High School into College” said Burton.

What started with a simple after school job turned into a full-time job that Mrs. Burton is passionate about. Her Favorite subject to teach students is “Senior English Language Arts”.


Mrs. Burton shared her favorite memories while being a teacher at Tracy High.

“Get along with the class, build relationships with students, and overall being able to joke with students who know what to joke about. It really is cool to just be in a class where everyone is open and willing to share which makes it fun,” said Burton.

Mrs. Burton also has fond memories of attending the senior parade and being able to witness the show.


Mrs. Rachel Lee has taught at Tracy high for 23 years. She is a History Teacher who loves to educate students about World War II, The Great Depression, and Civil Rights.

“My grandmother influenced me to become a teacher.  She had been one and would tell me stories about her time as a teacher.  She also foster my love for history.  I visited her many times as a child.  She would take me places and tell me the history as we traveled to different places.” Mrs. Lee said, explaining her backstory.

Her favorite memories of teaching are developing the relationships with her students, but due to the pandemic, she missed that this time of year.


These teachers come from all walks of life to become a teacher and influence our generation. They put in years of dedication and hard work to ensure students succeed and make the best of moments in their career.