Season’s Greetings Club shares music with Senior Citizens

Wamil Juthani, Staff Reporter

Season’s Greetings is a club created by Tracy High senior Sarah Bai. This club is about spreading the joy of the seasons. Members go to senior centers and play music/sing for them to interact with the seniors and spread happiness.

Bai originally got the idea from performing individually at nursing homes, she realized how music has an effect on people and how much the seniors enjoyed it.

“I formed it my sophomore year, and we go to nursing homes,” Bai said. “We play mini symphonies, group performances, individual performances, and musical performances.”

There are community service opportunities and usually people don’t opt for volunteer hours, they want to do it to bring happiness to the seniors’ in the form of music.

There are a set of performances every season and to prepare for that, the members of the club will meet at Bai’s house.

“The purpose of this club is to bring music into the lives of seniors,” Bai said. “We like to balance the music between classic and modern for variation.”

Christmas is the biggest performance of all the seasons, club members go caroling through the nursing homes and choose music that all the seniors can sing along to.

“You (members) don’t have to be a great musician to join the club,” Bai said. “The goal is to just have the heart to do it for others.”

This club is a stress-free process, the music doesn’t have to be memorized, and the environment is very easy-going.

“The seniors enjoy singing along to the music,” club member Aditya Gupta said. “The club helps the members get a greater understanding of people.”

The members get to talk to the residents and learn things about them and this is way that the community can come together.