Tracy High participates in No-Shave November

Senior Jap Gill participates in No-Shave November.

Rachael Rodrigues

Senior Jap Gill participates in No-Shave November.

Rachael Rodrigues, Staff Reporter

No-Shave November is a unique way to raise awareness for cancer. People participate in this event by not shaving their legs or growing out a beard, saving money they would usually spend on shaving and grooming.

Some people would like to participate, but have things that prevent them from it.

“I wanted to do No-Shave November,” senior Noah Martinez said. “But I have to keep a clean shaved face for work.”

The goal of No-Shave November is to spread awareness by embracing body and facial hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow out.

“I want to show awareness for prostate cancer,” senior Chris Coykendall said, “so I am growing out my mustache for the month.”

People can donate money they saved instead of spending it on shaving and grooming for a month to educate society about cancer prevention, saving lives, and to help those fighting their battle.

This started as a very small campaign in 2009 on Facebook, having fewer than 50 participants.

Many organizations such as St. Jude Children’s Hospital and American Cancer Society help promote this event.

There is also a movement called Movember, which focuses more on men’s health issues and cancer.

“I am participating in this by growing out all my facial hair to help spread awareness about males with cancer,” senior Alfonso Gonzalez said.

Although a lot of people are involved with No-Shave November, some choose not to participate.

“I chose not to be involved with No-Shave November because my girlfriend would be mad if I had a mustache during Girls’ Treat,” senior Dalton Gualco said.

This organization can be a lot more difficult for girls to participate in and can be a concern in hygiene issues.

“I am not participating because I feel that it is bad hygiene,” senior Hunter Lew said. “I have to look presentable at work for the customers and having hairy legs doesn’t represent the company in a good way.”

There are other ways to raise awareness for No-Shave November without actually having to not shave for a month.

“Instead of not shaving, I donated money to my past teacher, Dr. Drouin, who is raising money to give to cancer research,” senior Brayden Larwill said.

This month, thousands of people come together and participate to help the fight against cancer.