Students and teachers plan to take advantage of Black Friday

Junior Peyton Davis prepares herself for Black Friday by browsing through store ads.

Isabelle Milburn

Junior Peyton Davis prepares herself for Black Friday by browsing through store ads.

Isabelle Milburn, Staff Reporter

It’s that time of year again! Cold weather, good food, family time, and presents. What better way to shop for cheap presents than Black Friday?

Black Friday is the one day of the year when every store in America tremendously discounts their products.

The annual day for Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. This year’s Black Friday will be occurring on Nov. 29.

Stores such as Disney, and Game Stop will be opening at 12 a.m. Most department stores such as Macy’s, JCPenny, Sears, and Target will be opening at 4 a.m. on Black Friday. Other popular stores such as Best Buy, Walmart, and Dick’s Sporting Goods will be opening at 5 a.m.        Taya Dillard, a sophomore, is ready for Black Friday.

“I will most likely be going shopping for clothes,” Dillard said. “I’ll probably go to Target, and I will be avoiding Walmart. Everyone goes to Walmart.”

Just because Dillard is going out on Black Friday does not mean that she enjoys it.

“I don’t like Black Friday because I get scared that people are going to trample me,” Dillard said.

In past years, there have been some pretty crazy incidents have happened during Black Friday shopping.

“The worst thing I’ve seen happen was just people screaming at each other over an item. Which is ridiculous, but I’ve never seen a fight or anything like that,” Dillard said.

For junior Wyatt Perry, he has had different Black Friday experiences.

“My brother’s boss had something stolen from his store during Black Friday,” Perry said, “but they caught the thief.”

Hunter Andrade, a sophomore, also shares a Black Friday incident.

“I’ve seen someone get literally trampled over for a flat screen TV,” Andrade said.

Andrade has a figured out a way to avoid this chaos.

“I’m going to Disneyland,” Andrade said, “but if I was here, I’d go to all the major clothing stores such as American Eagle, Victoria’s Secret, Hollister, and Abercrombie. Basically all the stores that are normally too expensive to shop at.”

On Black Friday, people will do anything to make sure that they get to the sales before everyone else.

“We’re going to Bass Pro Shop super early,” junior Drew Davis said. “We might even end up camping outside of the store.”

O’Brien is going to eat her turkey and get on her way, “I plan to leave around midnight right after Thanksgiving and go to big stores such as Target right when they open,” said senior Keara O’Brien. “Afterwards I’ll go to all of the smaller, less busy stores.”

Freshman Jolly Jones said, “I plan on going to the True Religion store and stocking up on jeans.”

But not everyone enjoys the excitement of this day though.

“I see Black Friday as more of a day for women,” said Spanish teacher Julian Melgarejo. “If I do any shopping I’ll shop online. There’s a lot of deals online and they do free shipping. Also, you save money, time and gas and don’t have to worry about getting caught up in all of the chaos.”