Q + A: Physical Education teacher Derek Solano


Rachael Rodrigues

Physical Education teacher Derek Solano handing out running sticks to his sixth period class.

Rachael Rodrigues, Staff Reporter

Physical Education teacher and girls’ golf and basketball coach Derek Solano builds his life around his love for sports and spending time with his family. Solano enjoys teaching students how to work together and set goals. Although he does not get a lot of free time, he enjoys a good movie.

 What is your favorite thing about Tracy High? “The staff and students. I have great colleagues and I have had some wonderful students over the years.”

What do you think kids learn from sports or other school activities? “They learn to make sacrifices. Basketball players pretty much sacrifice their whole winter break. They learn the importance of working together in pursuit of a common goal and discipline.”

Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your down time? “I rarely have down time. I try to spend all of my free time with my children.”

What do you love most about your job? “I have always loved sports. As a PE teacher, I get to share my love of sports with students and in some cases I turn a student on to a sport where they continue to participate outside of my class.”

Where did you go to college? “I went to the University of the Pacific. It was the perfect fit for me.”

Did you always know what you wanted to do for a career? “No. When I first entered college I thought I wanted to study business.”

What is your idea of a perfect day? “I would spend a day with my family. I am always pretty busy, so I try and do some of the things I don’t have time for in a normal day.”

What is the most difficult part of your job? “Tough question! I would have to say all of the politics that go along with the job. Working with student every day is easy, but dealing with other issues related to the profession can wear on you sometimes.”

Do you have any children? “I have four children. A 16 year-old daughter, two sons ages 13 and 10, and a 5 year old-daughter.”

Has being around sports changed your life and your appreciations of those areas? “Being around sports has definitely changed my life. I have been able to share some wonderful times over the years with my athletes. I also have been able to pass on my love for sports to my own children.”

What is your favorite movie? “I’ll give you my top three Tombstone, The Patriot, and 50 First Dates. Gotta have a comedy.”

Favorite Food? “Mexican food. I like the restaurant La Morenita. My favorite dish is just a combination plate with a little of everything, and you gotta have the chips and salsa.”