Q + A: Math teacher Dominique Banner

Dominique Banner works on putting her students grades in.

Regine Manuel

Dominique Banner works on putting her students’ grades in.

Regine Manuel, Staff Reporter

Tracy High School graduate and math teacher Dominique Banner loves when she can get students to understand a little bit more about math than what they would otherwise. She also enjoys when a student starts to understand the importance of an education and as well as making a difference in a student’s life.

How do you feel about graduating at Tracy High, then teaching here? “I originally taught here because Tracy High needed more math teachers. I never really planned on teaching high school, but it is strange being back here now because it is not like it used to be. The appearance is different and the students are different. There doesn’t seem to be as much school pride as when I was a student at Tracy High.”

What is the best thing about teaching here at Tracy High? “The coworkers. There are a lot of good employees here.”

What did you want to be when growing up? “I wanted to be doctor until I realized I couldn’t stand the sight of blood.”

Do you have any favorite movies? “I like a lot of different types of movies. I don’t really have any favorites but I enjoy action movies and a lot of 80’s movies.”

What is the best book you think you have read so far? “Most of the books I like to read are supernatural and involve vampires and werewolves. I love Ernest Hemingway. Pretty much anything he writes I love.”

Where did you go to college? “I went to a few colleges. I went to Fresno State where I got my bachelor’s and master’s in math. Then I went to Grand Canyon University and got my master’s in education.”

What is your idea of a perfect day? “My idea of a perfect day would be spending time with my family at home watching movies and sports. We also enjoy going to sporting events.”

What are your favorite sports teams? “The San Francisco 49ers and San Francisco Giants.”

What do you think is the most difficult part of your job? “When I feel like I’m babysitting more than I’m teaching.”

What is your favorite superhero? “When I was growing up it was Wonder Woman and Aquaman, but with the newer movies I would have to say Thor because he reminds me of my son.”

What is the best trip you ever took and why? “When my husband and I took a trip to Toronto or when we drove across country to Utah and Texas and from there to New Hampshire. I enjoyed going to Texas and meeting my brother-in-law for first time.”

Do you have any current goals and why are they so important? “A personal goal and a big goal of mine is to lose weight because growing up I was always athletic. It’s important because I can’t really do the things that I enjoy doing.”

If you weren’t doing what you are doing now, what else do you think you would be doing? “Right now I teach at Tracy High and Delta College, so if I wasn’t here at I would be teaching at a community college. If I wasn’t teaching at all, I would be in banking because I worked in banking for about nine years.”