Rodriguez elected as ASB president

Junior Alessandra Rodriguez discusses future ASB plans with activities director Alayna Carter.

Junior Alessandra Rodriguez discusses future ASB plans with activities director Alayna Carter.

Wamil Juthani, Staff Reporter

Junior Alessandra Rodriguez has been elected to lead Tracy High as next year’s student body president. Also elected were Mika Fithian, vice-President; Hayley Fife, secretary; Sarah Kuczma treasurer, and Camille McDaniel, board representative.

The Associate Student Body (ASB) election results are from March, and the representatives have a lot in store for the next school year.

Alayna Carter, student activities director, is very excited for the next year’s ASB representatives.

“I’m really pleased with next year’s officers,” Carter said. “Alessandra Rodriguez, next year’s ASB president, has been in the class for all her years and next year will be her fourth.”

The future ASB officers are motivated to become the voice of the school.

“I aimed to become ASB president since freshman year,” Rodriguez said. “It’s going to be my fourth year in the class and finally obtaining this position kind of overwhelms me, it feels really awesome.”

Fife, next year’s secretary, said that, the plans and goals for the next school year are to keep the school spirit going and have all the students involved with campus activities.

“I want to make the school more involved in the activities,” next year’s ASB treasurer Kuczma said. “We (the leadership class) just want to try and build upon the traditions that we already have.”

The officers want to make a change, they want to improve the school as much as they can.

“Next year, I want to be the voice for the school,” elected Board Representative McDaniel said. “We have to attend the board meetings and in the meetings, I think we should bring up the good and the bad to be able fix problems faster, like the school parking issue.”

For campaigning, the officers used social media and had their friends spread the word to vote via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

“I used social media a lot,” McDaniel said. “I am a Twitter and Instagram addict, I have a friend who is a photographer, and we made a few posters. A lot of it (campaigning) was social media.”

Newly elected ASB officers are excited for the next school year.

“I am very excited for next year, and I can’t wait,” Fithian said. “We are going to keep the spirit up and try to incorporate everyone that doesn’t really get involved with school spirit.”