New Year, New Resolutions


Devon Rose, senior, smiling into the new year

Camilla Wiench, Staff Reporter

The new year is a time where we look back and to try and improve our lives for the future. Our goals vary for different reasons and change personally.

Devan Rose is currently a senior at Tracy High School and she said that her resolution for last year was to go to the gym a few times every month. And she has succeeded in that goal.

This year, Rose’s resolution is to focus on schoolwork and end high school with a good grade point average.

“So far I have been successful with being on top of my homework,” said Rose.

Megan Bernard who is also currently a senior at Tracy High School said her resolution last year was to become more independent and to hold a job and that she has accomplished this. This year, she plans on becoming more financially stable and independent.

“It’s been a rough few weeks to start the year, but I’m chugging through it,” said Bernard.

Both students and teachers take the opportunity to reflect on new goals and opportunities.

Mr. Haydock who is currently a teacher at Tracy High School said his goal of 2018 was to exercise and be healthy. He said he did not completely follow through with it.

 This year, Haydock is focusing on being more open with political disagreements. He believes he will succeed but it will be hard.

No matter where we are in our life, there is always an opportunity for change and growth.