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The student news site of Tracy High School

Scholar & Athlete

The student news site of Tracy High School

Scholar & Athlete

The student news site of Tracy High School

Scholar & Athlete

Emma Sawin

Emma Sawin, Social Media Editor

Emma Sawin is a senior at Tracy High School. She was born on May 24, 2007, into a family of five. Her family consists of her mom, dad, her older sister, Julia, who is a sophomore at San Diego State University and her little sister, who is an eighth grader at Art Freiler Middel School. She also has two cats, Ollie and Charlie. Sawin is an international baton twirler and has been twirling for 15 years. She was recently part of Team USA for baton twirling in Liverpool, England, where she was able to take home fifth place. Sawin also made Team USA and will be competing at the world championships.  Sawin attended many national championships and has medaled multiple times in the last couple of years. Sawin is also the DARE representative for the state of California and is on the Youth Advocacy Board for the program. She strives to be a positive role model for the youth in her community. She helps teach a baton class for the Boys and Girls Club and has spoken at multiple DARE graduations. Sawin is extremely artistic. She enjoys scrapbooking all her adventures from everywhere she travels such as England, Canda and Florida. Her favorite memory of high school so far was getting to twirl on the football field with her older sister Julia Sawin. She loved getting to choreograph routines with Julia and sharing the spotlight on a Friday night. Sawin’s goal after high school is to become the feature twirler for a four-year university. She takes her schoolwork seriously and has achieved all As and over a 4.0 GPA. Her favorite subject is journalism.

All content by Emma Sawin