Onto Greater Things

May 26, 2022
Former Bulldog, Jason Noll returned to his Alma Mater, Tracy High, 14 years ago to become principal. Noll will be finishing his tenure at the end of May and accepting a new position as the Director of Student Services at the District Office. Although it is an exciting achievement, it is bittersweet for him, the faculty, and the students.
When Mr. Noll was asked how he first felt about getting the position as Principal at Tracy High he said, “It was amazing! I loved my principal, Jim Franco and he was really the motivating factor for me wanting to be a principal one day. I was excited to be at the school I graduated from and be able to work with some of the teachers who are still here, that I had as a student.” As Tracy High is the oldest high school in Tracy, it is notorious for its alumni who continue to stay connected even after they have graduated.
An excellent example is Stacey Browne. Browne is a teacher here at Tracy High, but just like Mr. Noll, she was a Bulldog during her high school years.
“I have known Mr. Noll for over 30 years,” Browne recalled. “He and I both went to Tracy High. He is a year older than me”.
Throughout the years as principal, Mr. Noll has created a safe and fun work environment for his teachers.
Brandon Red, a teacher at Tracy High and Tennessee native feels Mr. Noll has a knack for strong leadership.
“He’s a great leader who is quick to listen and is very understanding,” Red continued. “He’s been a true mentor for me in my new journey as a teacher here in California”.
Red even stated that him and Mr. Noll are both big college football fans.
“He’s a big BYU fan and I’m a big Ole Miss fan,” Red laughed. “During football season, there’s never a dull discussion when it comes to us talking about the games from the weekend before”.
Browne has also connected to Mr. Noll on a personal level.
“When we shut down because of COVID and I came on campus to pick something up, I had a complete emotional break down,” Browne smiled. “Mr. Noll was there to reassure me that everything would be ok. Actually, he has always been there for me when I had emotional break downs.”
It is clearMr. Noll has always been a friendly face no matter the circumstances, and cares deeply about his staff.
Mr. Noll also is very active in the students’ lives as well. Anytime a student is walking around Tracy High, at some point or another they have seen Mr. Noll standing in the halls or outside, watching over his students and talking with them as they go to class.
“It’s always fun when I’m walking to my next class, and I run into Mr. Noll,” Emma Sawin, freshman Bulldog said. “He will walk with me to my next class, and we chat about all kinds of stuff.”
The little things Mr. Noll does around campus do not go unappreciated.
“I will miss the daily interactions with students,”Mr. Noll admits. “The students are what makes this place fun and special”.
Mr. Noll has proven to be the principal who will go above and beyond for his students. Mr. Noll recently took part in the school play.
“He was Papa Bear in Shrek: The Musical,” Abigael Shannon said. “He got that part last minute and just fit the role perfectly.”
Mr. Noll’s extracurriculars for the school didn’t stop here.
“(He) went across the country with our FFA chapter for a National Convention,” Taylor Lynn remembered. “Noll’s effort and hard work did not go unnoticed.
“He really did not have to go since we were only gone for a week, but he did and still was working,” Lynn said, thankfully.
Football player and Junior Andreas Gamboa recalled football season in the fall.
“Mr. Noll always shows up to watch and help our team, no matter if it is a home or an away game,” Gamboa said. “He is our number one supporter.”
Mr. Noll can be seen on the sidelines cheering on his Bulldogs. Junior basketball player Brandon Ng also received the same support on the basketball court.
“Not only does Noll come out and support us at all of our games, but he also helps organize our schedules,” Ng said.
No matter what Mr. Noll makes a great effort to make sure every student athlete has someone rooting for them.
“I love all the events, from games, to dances, choir concerts, and plays,” Mr. Noll continued. ”I love seeing the students succeed in their interests.”
Tracy High is known for its rich history, which Mr. Noll prides himself on maintaining.
“I am proud that over the years we have been able to keep a lot of the tradition of Tracy High, but also adapt to the changes,” Mr. Noll said.
During Mr. Noll’s time as principal, Tracy High went through an entire transformation with constructions, and now has a modernized, beautiful campus that still contains the unique architecture that makes it special.
As Mr. Noll passes the torch to the next principal, John Waggle, he delivers words of wisdom to the incoming principle.
“Don’t mess it up,” Mr. Noll said, jokingly. He and Waggle have had a strong relationship throughout Waggle’s tenure as Assistant Principle at Tracy High School.
“My own children will continue to go here, and I will be on the campuses supporting the administrators in my new role,” Mr. Noll added.
As he finishes his final weeks he will be remembered as someone who trusts his staff according to Browne, a people person and a mentor according to Red, the principal that is at every event that involves the school in some type of way according to Lynn, and the school’s biggest cheerleader according to Benny Melendez. He has inspired others to be more involved in the community according to Shannon, work hard and always try your best according to Dylan LaDaroute and lastly, that every student is special according to Sawin.
Mr. Noll has one last hope for Tracy High before he moves on.
“Tracy High will continue to be a great place for students and staff to learn, grow, and succeed, and be prepared for life’s challenges in an ever-changing world.”