Madison Archer, Editor-in-Chief
Madison Archer is currently a 18-year-old senior attending Tracy High School. She is very passionate about doing things she wants to do and doing them the way she wants. This has motivated her to work hard towards her goals and give 100 percent at everything. Growing up, Archer never knew what she wanted to be, and she is still unsure, but she knows that whatever it is she will give it her all. As this being her last year of high school before she must choose a final career, she decided to take many career-oriented classes, allowing her to experience a little bit of everything. This includes taking Mr. Red’s Journalism class, which she took last year. Being her second year in the class, journalism ranks highly on the list of what she wants to do after high school. During the previous year, Archer took the class as a free period, not looking for any leadership roles. After working under the previous Editor-in-Chief, Marina Soares, she decided she was looking to take charge and help more. She has the ability to take on the workload on top of her other classes and outside commitments. Archer is willing and ready to become Editor-in-Chief for Tracy High School.