Switching high schoools senior year


Hunter Lew, Staff Reporter

While switching high schools has a negative impact on many students, my experience was not so difficult. I spent the first three years of my high school career at Merrill F. West High School. The week before senior year started I found out I was switching to Tracy High School.

I had a great experience at West High, and I can’t imagine spending my first three years of high school anywhere else. I met my best friend Amanda Riley at West during my freshman year during cheer. If I had not met Riley my freshman year, my high school experience would have been extremely different. Because she was my best friend, we had done everything together like going to all of the games, dressing up for spirit days, and so much more. During these three years I had great relationships with many of the teachers and faculty. Principal Troy Brown and Spanish teacher Laura McMillan had the biggest impact on my experience at West High and made my time there very memorable.

Brown connects with many of the students at West High in a way that many of the other faculty do not. He builds relationships with the students, so that they are comfortable with him, and he interacts with them before and after school, during lunch, and during passing periods. Over the three years that I was at West High, Brown got to know me very well and made it very easy for me to be able to talk to him about anything. One of the qualities I like most about Brown is how he takes the time to know the students on his campus. Brown acts as a role model and leader to his students, a quality many principals do not have. Even though I no longer go to West High, I know that I can still talk to Brown when I need to. He is one of the most kind-hearted and genuine people that know.

I had McMillan as my Spanish teacher for all three years at West High. Because I had her for all three years, we became close, and I was able to talk to her about school and things that were going on in my life. She has continuously supported me in everything that I do and I look up to her in many ways.

One of the main things that I love and miss about West High is that many of the teachers and faculty truly care about the students and create friendships that leave an impact on their students even after they leave.

When I found out I had to go to Tracy High, I knew switching schools my senior year would be a huge change. I knew I would have a hard time finding my way around campus, and I would have to make all new friends. One of my childhood friends, senior Lindsey Raaker, helped show me around the campus and introduced me to many of the students to make me feel comfortable and welcome. If it wasn’t for Raaker, my switch would have been much harder.

As I got to know more about Tracy High, I realized how different it is from West High. Each school offers different academic programs to help benefit their students in many ways. West High has Academy of Business and Law, Space and Engineering Academy, and focuses on pre-AP and advanced placement classes. For the three years that I attended West High, I wasn’t a part of any of these academic programs. I wasn’t sure what I had wanted to study, so I didn’t want to join one of the programs and be committed to it for the next four years of my high school career. Tracy High School has many different programs such as International Baccalaureate, Ag-Science, a Performing Arts Magnet, and Industrial Technology. None of these academic programs interest me, and even if I did go to Tracy High for my entire high school career, I don’t think I would have joined any of these programs.

Aside from academics, each school has different levels of intensity in their sports programs. The two schools are in different leagues so they play against different schools. I noticed as I went to the sporting events how different Blue Crew is from Dog Pound.

There are many other differences about the schools. West High has a rather large parking lot, where as Tracy High has three small parking lots. I prefer West High’s parking lot because you don’t have to worry about not being able to get a parking spot. Tracy High is very spread out where all of West High’s classes are around the “quad”. Tracy High has indoor and outdoor hallways, where West High only has outdoor hallways. I do like the indoor hallways at Tracy High, rather than the outdoor hallways at West High.

West High has always had a rally for the cross-town rival game, and when I came to Tracy High I was surprised when they didn’t do the same. I really like the cross-town rival rally that West High does because it gets all of the students excited for the game and makes them want to come to the big game to support their team.

West High and Tracy High have similarities and differences that make each school unique. I don’t prefer one school over another, but most of my high school memories are at West High School. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to attend West High school and build the relationships that I have with the faculty and students. I had a great experience at West, but I look forward to the many memories that I will make this year at Tracy High.