Keeping resolutions will make for a better 2014

Exercising is one of my main resolutions for this year.

Exercising is one of my main resolutions for this year.

Hayley Nunes, Staff Reporter

When you think of resolutions, some people think resolutions are silly and unnecessary, but others think they are an opportunity to grow as a person.

Every year, thousands of people make their resolutions and the promise to keep up with this resolution for an entire year.

Most people do not keep their resolutions because they normally forget or just give up.

Well, I am one of thousands of people that made a few resolutions for 2014.

I wanted to start fresh and live a better, healthier life than I did last year.

One of my first resolutions for the new year was to eat healthy. Last year, I thought I ate pretty decent, but not as well as I wanted to.

My goal is to not eat to a lot of junk food. I will have my cheat days every once in a while, but I am going to limit myself.

I want to eat a lot more vegetables and eat even more salad. I would also like to eat more baked chicken and other healthy dishes.

My second resolution for the new year is staying in shape. Last year I think I got way to out of hand with eating a lot of food and not thinking I needed to work it off. I now realize that I cannot eat more food unless I work it all off.

My goal is to go to the gym every day in order to get fit and stay fit. I will run two miles every day and then go do some ab work outs. Then the next day do something different.

Another one of my resolutions is staying organized. When I comes to school, I am very organized. I rarely lose anything.

However, when it comes to my room and my bathroom, I am not organized at all. I always clean them both and then somehow a week later they are both filthy. There will be clothes everywhere, bathroom products in my room, it’s just awful. I’m pretty sure it’s because I am lazy.

My main goal for this is to keep both of those rooms clean at all times. I made a commitment to myself that I will not be lazy when it comes to my bathroom and my room.

My last resolution for this year is try and be the bigger person no matter what happens. Being the bigger person is really hard to do. For example, if say my friends are starting drama, I will be the one to say “My names Bennett and I’m not in it,”

My parents use this quote to remind me that I need to stay out of everybody’s business and only pay attention to my own business.

My mom always tells me that I need to let things go and just take the high road.

I know for sure that I am going to keep up with these resolutions all year. I want my 2014 to be better than 2013.